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Sign the Petition…

An email from Bob Nightingale of the London Legal Support Trust regarding the petition calling on the Government to stop cutting legal aid.

Hello everyone

I imagine you all know about the petition calling on the Government to stop cutting legal aid.

But have you seen how well it’s doing. As I write this the petition needs just 7,100 more signatures to reach the magic 100,000 mark at which point the Government have to take notice and the press certainly will (for good or ill)

Well it has to make it soon as over 2,000 people have signed this week alone. But could everyone please give it a big push now to get it to sail past 100,000.

Things to do:-

  1. If you haven’t signed it yourself please do
  2. Please let everyone you know who might sign it have the link
  3. Tweet the link
  4. Put something on your Facebook.

