Elections Night – 12 November banner


Elections Night – 12 November

 Bristol JLD and Chadwick Nott invite you to attend the Bristol JLD AGM and Election Drinks on Wednesday 12th November 2014 from 6pm at Pata Negra on Corn Street.

Join us for drinks and pintxos to celebrate the last year and meet the new 2014/2015 Committee.

We will also be presenting a cheque to our 2013/2014 Charity of the Year – The West of England MS Therapy Centre (Charity Number 801155).

There is no need to RSVP just come along and have a drink or two on our generous sponsors.

We hope to see you there,

The 2013/2014 Bristol JLD Committee

If you are interested in standing the new committee the deadline for returning the application form is 12noon on the 11th November.